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11 July 2012

Huawei Usb Modem AT-commands in a minute

Huawei AT-commandsThis is a featured page

note: Some devices like the Huawei K3715 seem to require AT-commands to be typed in capital letters!

There are a couple of options for disabling and re-enabling the following USB-components of Huawei USB-modems:

  • modem (M)
  • NAND-flashmemory drive (CD)
  • microSD-drive (SD)
  • PC UI interface (UI)
  • network adaptor (N)
  • smartcard (SC)

To disable or re-enable those components run the following AT-command, where n is one of the numbers from the table below: 


On some models it is possible to read the present value of the parameter n by sending command:


*) note: Smartcard (SC) and network adaptor (N) are not present in many Huawei devices. Using an AT-command that activates SC or N on a device without these components, will result in errors and so will be noneffective.

Modems supporting AT^U2DIAG? command: E173, E1750 ,E160E Modems not supporting AT^U2DIAG? command: E160, K3565

Also on some models it is possible to display a list of devices present in a USB-stick, by sending a command:


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