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10 July 2012

Copy files faster in Windows in a Minute

SuperCopier is a free program that can be downloaded from the official website of the software and allows you to copy files and the information much faster in Windows, accelerating the process of common copy for the operating system.

Many of the programs mentioned above allow copy and a pause of copying data from disks external to your hard disk drive, but none as powerful as it is SuperCopier quickly as you can copy large amounts of folders in few moments.

Where SuperCopier freeware program has a powerful tool to copy files, movies, data, and games that are much faster than it is accustomed to expect heavier than normal.

For example, if you have a normal team and backup Windows 2.0 GB of information normally takes about 2 minutes, however if you do the process with SuperCopier take less than 1 minute to copy all the information correct and safe.

Imagine for a second how long that would save if you use this utility and can use it with other things and obviously copy files and data more quickly.

 Download from official site 

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